Children have a lot of knowledge about playing with toys. How to guide children to play to new heights is worth learning from parents.

I believe every parent has encountered this problem when raising their children. The children start to lose their temper while playing with toys. In fact, children are exploring the world when they play with toys. Toys are very important to a child. So,today let’s take a look at the toys parents should play with their children!
In life, many parents like to put all the toys in front of their children, and then do other things themselves and let the children play by themselves. In fact, this is wrong. Children need their parents' company when they are young, and the same goes for playing with toys. Because it is the first time for children to play with many toys, and only after they become proficient can they become "perfect", so they hope to be accompanied by adults. At the same time, when parents are around, children will be more empowered and more willing to explore how to play with toys.
But if children are allowed to play with toys by themselves, many children become frustrated because they cannot find the correct way to play with the toys after trying for a while. And in this case, the child will try to get the adult's attention by throwing a tantrum. But many parents don't pay enough attention and let their children lose their temper. In the end, the child can only digest this negative emotion alone, and his self-esteem and self-confidence will be greatly damaged.
In fact, playing with toys is also learned. So, what is the correct way to play with toys for children?
Here are several methods for parents to use as a reference.
First of all, different toys should be given to children of different ages.
For nine-month-old children, we can give them some colorful or striped toys to play with. Because children at this time are learning to distinguish things, and patterns such as stripes have clear boundaries, which can improve children's ability to distinguish objects. When children are 1 to 2 years old, you should buy them some dolls, because at this time the children have learned to sit or crawl, and can hold toys in their arms and play with them. After they get a little older, parents can buy toys such as walkers for their children so that they can practice walking well.
Secondly, choose educational toys for your children to play with.
Many parents are indiscriminate and buy whatever toys their children like. Children are still young and cannot tell the difference between good and bad toys, but as parents we need to be careful and choose toys that can educate them. For example, toys such as building blocks and small trains can develop children's spatial ability and imagination, and puzzles can exercise children's image thinking ability. However, wooden swords and pistols may make children prone to violence in the future.
Again, pay attention to ensure the safety of your child when playing with toys.
There are always various news about children being injured while playing with toys, such as children accidentally swallowing glass balls, pricking their hands with pins, accidentally injuring other children with slingshots, etc. As a parent, you must pay attention to safety when choosing toys for your children. If a child really likes these toys that may have safety hazards, then parents should take good care of the children when they play, and keep them properly after the children have finished playing.
As parents, after we know the correct way for our children to play with toys, does that mean we can just throw the toys to our children? So, what do you think about this? Everyone is welcome to discuss together.